Articles on: Limit options

Limit Settings

Items to Target

The Items to Target section is where you define which items your limit will apply to. Limits can be set based on price, quantity, resource, or weight. You’ll also specify criteria such as Minimum, Maximum, and Multiple of, which the cart must meet for the limit to be valid.

Force Limit Checkbox

Enabling the Force Limit checkbox ensures the limit is enforced even if the targeted item is not in the cart.

Example: Minimum Quantity of 2

- Force Limit Enabled: Users must add at least 2 of the item to proceed to checkout, even if they did not initially add the item.
- Force Limit Disabled: Users can check out without the item, but if they add 1, they will be required to add at least 2 to meet the limit.

Note: The variable {{item}}, which displays the item title in messages, will not work if the item is not already in the cart. Adjust your messages accordingly when using the Force Limit option.

Setting Limit Values

Each limit can include multiple criteria:

- Quantity
- By Resource
- Weight

MinimumThe minimum amount required to meet the limit.
MaximumThe maximum amount allowed before exceeding the limit.
Multiple ofEnsures the value aligns with a specific multiple.


All limit types, except Variant Limits, support exclusions. Excluded items will not be counted in the Minimum, Maximum, or Multiple of values, allowing for more flexible configurations.

Limit Types and Targeting

Product Limits

You can manually target specific products or entire collections. Additionally, you can use Target Rules to apply limits based on text conditions. If any of the conditions are met, the item will be subject to the limit.

Target Rule Conditions

TargetConditions Available
Collection TitleIs Equal To, Is Not Equal To, Contains, Does Not Contain, Starts With, Ends With
VendorIs Equal To, Is Not Equal To, Contains, Does Not Contain, Starts With, Ends With
Product TypeIs Equal To, Is Not Equal To, Contains, Does Not Contain, Starts With, Ends With
TagIs Equal To, Is Not Equal To, Contains, Does Not Contain, Starts With, Ends With

Note: If multiple products are targeted, the limit applies separately to each product.

Variant Limits

Similar to product limits, you can manually target variants or apply limits to all variants within a product or collection. Target Rules can also be used to set limits based on specific conditions.

Target Rule Conditions

TargetConditions Available
Product TitleIs Equal To, Is Not Equal To, Contains, Does Not Contain, Starts With, Ends With
Collection TitleIs Equal To, Is Not Equal To, Contains, Does Not Contain, Starts With, Ends With
VendorIs Equal To, Is Not Equal To, Contains, Does Not Contain, Starts With, Ends With
TagIs Equal To, Is Not Equal To, Contains, Does Not Contain, Starts With, Ends With

Note: If multiple variants are targeted, the limit applies separately to each variant.

Collection Limits

You can manually select collections or set Target Rules based on collection titles.

Conditions Available
Is Equal To, Is Not Equal To, Contains, Does Not Contain, Starts With, Ends With

Note: If multiple collections are targeted, the limit applies separately to each collection.

Vendor Limits

You can manually enter vendor names or use Target Rules to apply limits based on vendor names. Enter a comma-separated list.

Conditions Available
Is Equal To, Is Not Equal To, Contains, Does Not Contain, Starts With, Ends With

Note: If multiple vendors are targeted, the limit applies separately to each vendor.

Product Type Limits

You can manually enter product types or use Target Rules for targeting. Enter a comma-separated list.

Conditions Available
Is Equal To, Is Not Equal To, Contains, Does Not Contain, Starts With, Ends With

Note: If multiple product types are targeted, the limit applies separately to each type.

Tag Limits

You can manually enter tags or use Target Rules based on tag names. Enter a comma-separated list.

Conditions Available
Is Equal To, Is Not Equal To, Contains, Does Not Contain, Starts With, Ends With

Note: If multiple tags are targeted, the limit applies separately to each tag.

Updated on: 18/02/2025

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