Articles on: Limit options

General Limit Settings

The General Settings is where you configure the fundamental options for your limit. This section allows you to define when the limit is active, who it will apply to, and other essential criteria that control how and when the limit is enforced.

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Table of Contents

Limit Name
Activation Dates
Target Type
Tag Exclusion
Target Tags

Limit Name

The Limit Name serves as a unique identifier for each limit rule created by the merchant. It allows merchants to quickly recognize and manage different limits applied across their store. A clear and descriptive Limit Name helps differentiate between multiple rules, making it easier to update or troubleshoot specific limits as needed.

Tips for Naming:
- Use descriptive names that reflect the purpose of the limit (e.g., "Winter Sale Max Limit" or "Bulk Purchase Min Qty").
- If you're applying limits to specific collections, products, or vendors, include that in the name to provide additional clarity.
- Keep names short but meaningful for quick reference within the app's dashboard.

This naming convention can be especially useful when managing many different limits across a store, ensuring smoother operation and maintenance.


The Active toggle allows merchants to control whether a specific limit is currently applied to their store. When the toggle is switched on, the limit is active and will be enforced on customer orders. If the toggle is off, the limit is inactive and will not impact any orders, but the rule can still be edited or saved for future use.

Inactive limits are also valuable for Activation Rules, where they can be scheduled or triggered based on specific conditions, such as during sales events or promotions. This provides merchants with flexibility in managing limits without needing to create new ones each time.

Best Practices:
- Use the Active toggle to prepare limits in advance for upcoming sales or events.
- Keep frequently used limits saved as inactive for quick reactivation when needed.
- Combine with Activation Rules to automate when a limit becomes active, streamlining store operations.

For more information about activation rules, see Activation Rules Documentation.

Start Date

The Start Date determines when the limit will begin to apply. The limit will not be active before the selected date. This feature allows merchants to schedule limits to automatically activate on a specific day, such as the start of a sale or promotion.

Usage Tips:
- Set the Start Date to prepare limits in advance for upcoming events like product launches or seasonal sales.
- Ensure the Active toggle is switched on so the limit takes effect as scheduled.

End Date

The End Date sets the final day when the limit will be active. After this date, the limit will automatically become inactive. This feature is useful for managing time-sensitive limits, such as those used during flash sales or holiday promotions.

If no End Date is selected, the limit will remain active indefinitely.

Usage Tips:
- Use a defined date range to apply limits only for special events, such as Black Friday or Cyber Monday.
- For long-term or permanent limits, leave the End Date blank to keep the rule active until manually turned off.

Note: Selecting both a Start Date and an End Date helps create a clear schedule for when a limit should be enforced, while selecting only a Start Date allows for an ongoing limit with no fixed end.

Limit Target

The Limit Target defines which group of users the limit will apply to. Merchants can select from the following options:

- Everyone: The limit applies to all visitors and customers, regardless of their login status.
- Non-Customer: The limit applies only to users who are not logged in or do not have an account.
- Customer: The limit applies only to users who are logged in to their account on the website.

This feature provides merchants with the flexibility to tailor limits based on user types, allowing different rules for registered customers versus guest visitors.

Usage Tips:
- Use the Customer target to create exclusive limits or offers for your logged-in users, such as VIP customers or loyalty members.
- Apply limits to Non-Customers to encourage account creation or to restrict bulk purchases from guest visitors.
- Choose Everyone when the limit should be enforced across the board, ensuring consistency for all users.

Target Type

The Target Tag option allows merchants to apply limits specifically to customers who have been assigned certain tags. This provides more granular control over which customers are subject to the limit, enabling targeted promotions or restrictions.

For example, you can use customer tags like "VIP," "Wholesale," or "Loyalty Program" to create exclusive limits for those groups.

Usage Tips:
- Assign tags to customers based on their behavior or membership in special programs, and use these tags to apply personalized limits.
- Combine this feature with the Customer Limit Target option to create highly specific rules (e.g., a limit for "VIP" customers who are logged in).
- Ensure customer tagging is set up correctly in your store to make the most of this feature.

This functionality is ideal for offering tailored experiences to specific customer segments, such as limiting purchases for wholesale customers or creating special minimum orders for loyalty members.

Tag Exclusion

The Tag Exclusion feature allows merchants to exclude certain customers from a limit based on their assigned tags. This option can either narrow down the limit's target or exclude specific groups depending on the chosen Limit Target.

- If the Limit Target is set to Everyone, the Tag Exclusion will prevent the limit from applying to customers who have the specified tags.
- If the Limit Target is set to Customer, the tags entered will define which customers the limit will apply to, excluding all others. Leaving this field blank will apply the limit to all customers.

Usage Tips:
- Use Tag Exclusion to create exceptions for specific customer groups, such as allowing "VIP" customers to bypass purchase limits.
- For Customer targets, add tags to limit the rule to only those with certain characteristics (e.g., "Wholesale" or "Gold Member").
- Leave this field blank if you want the limit to apply broadly without any tag-specific exclusions.

This feature is especially useful for providing flexibility in how limits are enforced, allowing merchants to fine-tune which customer segments are affected based on their tags.

Target Tags

The Target Tags option determines which customer tags the limit will apply to or exclude, depending on the Limit Target setting.

- If the Limit Target is set to Everyone, the tags entered will exclude customers with those tags from the limit.
- If the Limit Target is set to Customer, the tags entered will define the specific customer group that the limit applies to, excluding all other customers. If left blank, the limit will apply to all customers.

Usage Tips:
- For Everyone: Use this field to exclude certain customer groups from the limit (e.g., exclude "VIP" customers from a general restriction).
- For Customer: Enter tags that define the group to which the limit applies (e.g., restrict purchase limits to "Wholesale" customers only).
- If you want the limit to apply broadly, leave the field blank to target all relevant customers or non-customers without any exclusions.

This feature is ideal for refining the scope of limits, allowing merchants to precisely control which tagged customers are affected or exempt from the rule.

Updated on: 18/10/2024

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